font-family: 'Shadows Into Light Two', cursive;/ Life in Kindergarten: Happy New Year!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Happy New Year!

The children returned to school last week excited to see their friends and ready to learn!

During Reading Workshop we:

  • reviewed what it should look like during read-to-self and buddy reading times.
  • learned that readers become better readers by reading every day.
  • learned that readers get their minds "warmed-up" by doing a picture walk prior to reading a book.
During Writing Workshop we started a mini narrative writing unit.  We learned that:
  • writers think of something they've done and tell their story across the pages in a book.
  • writers can use sequencing words to tell the order of their story.
  • when writers want to spell a word, they say the word slowly then write a letter for each sound they hear.
  • writers leave spaces between words.
During Math we:
  • played Ten Bears on a Bus to help us learn combinations of ten.

  • learned about a number grid and discussed different patterns we noticed on the number grid.
  • played a game called Roll and Record to help us practice adding and recording data on a graph.

Have a wonderful week.

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