font-family: 'Shadows Into Light Two', cursive;/ Life in Kindergarten: June 2013

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Winding Down

It's so hard for me to believe that tomorrow is the start of our last week of school!  This may sound cliche, but it seems like just yesterday I was meeting all of your children for the first time.  Where did this school year go?!?  I have grown to adore each and every child, and I will miss them all dearly.  It will be hard to say goodbye to them on Friday!

Now for a recap of the past two weeks.

Beach Day was a huge success this past Monday.  The children were very engaged throughout all of our stations.  Thank you to all our volunteers! 

Back in the classroom, we have been focusing on our comprehension during reading workshop.  We have practiced "checking for understanding" with a paper check mark to serve as a reminder.  The paper check mark reminds the children to tell who and what the story is about and where it is happening.

In math, we have spent many days reviewing and practicing previously learned skills, such as solving number stories, adding, and subtracting.  Recently the children learned how to tell time to the half hour.  They LOVED using these little clocks!

During science time, the children learned about crabs.  After two read alouds about crabs, we completed a graphic organizer about what crabs are, what they can do, and what they have.  Each child then made a paper crab craft.  They are adorable!

During writing, we have spent many days writing reflections for our portfolios.  Children are very excited to share these portfolios with you next week!  You will be amazed at how much they have grown as writers.  We have also been working on a special Father's Day gift during writing time.  Dads, you will be very impressed with what your child is making for you!

I look forward to seeing all of you on Wednesday.  