font-family: 'Shadows Into Light Two', cursive;/ Life in Kindergarten: October 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

This week during Reading Workshop we:
  • reviewed expectations for Read-to-Self time and Buddy Reading time. 
  • reviewed that readers point under one word as they read. 
  • began using sticky-notes to mark spots in our books we want to share with a buddy.  We spent two days learning about different ways to use sticky-notes.  Readers can use sticky-notes to mark a favorite spot or a feeling they had.  We will learn additional ways to use sticky notes next week.

  • learned a new way to buddy read: I read a book then you read a book.

This week during Writing Workshop we:
  • looked closely at the objects in our nature baggies.  We then drew and labeled all the details we noticed.
  • reviewed that when writers want to spell a word, they stretch the word out slowly and write at least one letter for every sound they hear. 
  • learned that writers can write a book all about one topic.  We spent a writing block outside looking closely at, and writing about, the world around us.

This week during Math we:
  • read Mouse Count and then made our own mice number stories.
  • learned more about symmetry.  We looked at different pictures, determined if they were symmetrical, and then found the line of symmetry.
  • explored shapes and put shapes together to make new shapes.

  • created a bar graph about our favorite colors.
Here is a snapshot of this week's math stations:

I look forward to meeting with all of you for conferences next week.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Last week during Reading Workshop we:
  •  learned that we can spend time reading our alphabet linking charts.  We talked about different ways to read these charts.  A few examples are: point and name each letter in alphabetical order, point and name each letter in random order, point and name each letter and say the sound it makes.
  • learned that readers think about how a character is feeling and make their voice match that feeling.
  • read with our first grade reading buddies in Mrs. Boutin's class.  We will read with our first grade buddies once a month.

Last week during Writing Workshop we began our Looking Closely unit.  We:

  •  spent two days outside looking closely at and drawing one tree and all the details we observed.  We then labeled the parts and details of the tree.

  • learned that scientific writers look closely at objects.  We spent time looking closely at our nature objects and describing everything we noticed to a buddy. 

Last week during Math we:
  • learned a new game, Addition Top-It.  In this game, children choose two cards and find their sum.  They compare their sum with their partner's sum, and the child with the larger sum keeps the cards.  Children used colored chips to help them with the addition.
  • played Race to the Apple Tree.
  • played Teen Cover, a game in which one partner covers a teen number on a number line, and the other child needs to guess the covered number and write that number on a whiteboard.

  • started learning about number stories.  We spent two days learning about addition and subtraction number stories.  Students used individual whiteboards to draw pictures and write their answers.  
  • learned about symmetry and painted symmetrical designs.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Fire Safety and Apple Cider

Fire station, smoke trailer, apple cider...what a fun, busy week we had!! 

The children enjoyed visiting the Yarmouth Fire Station on Tuesday.  I think they're favorite part was being able to step into a fire truck and ambulance!!
The smoke trailer and going on the fire truck ladder were also a big hit!  What a great learning experience for the children.

On Friday, Alden's mom, Jen Libby, came into our classroom to teach us how to make apple cider.  We have been reading a lot of apple books the last few weeks, so this was a great connection and such an authentic learning experience.  The children were so excited to have this opportunity.  They made delicious cider!!  Thank you, Jen!

The rest of our week was very busy, as usual.  During Reading Workshop we:
  • shopped for new books for our baskets.  Up until this past week, I was putting books in each child's basket.  From now on, they will be choosing books each week.  The books will stay in their baskets for them to read throughout the week. 
  • learned that readers can make connections between books.  We used Corduroy as an example.  Since we had read Corduroy and A Pocket for Corduroy, I taught the children that when I read Corduroy Lost and Found (we hadn't read this yet) they could connect Corduroy's actions in this book to his actions in the other books we read.  As I read aloud, I had the children turn-and-talk to a buddy several times to share their connections.  
  • practiced pointing to one word at a time as we read a familiar text, Fire Truck.  Each child then got their own copy of Fire Truck to practice pointing and reading the words.  They will bring this book home soon.
During Writing Workshop we:
  • continued to work on saying all the sounds we hear in words and writing a letter for each sound. 
  • learned that writers can add words that describe how the people in their stories felt in that moment.
  • selected our favorite piece of writing to fancy-up.  Students will share these pieces next week.  The rest of our writing went home with us on Friday!  Enjoy having your child share his/her stories with you!
During Math we:
  • learned what a "digit" is.
  • learned that the teens are two-digit numbers with a 1 as the first number (the tens' place, but do not expect your child to understand place value yet).
  • practiced ordering the teen numbers (we call them the tricky teens).

  • started using individual whiteboards to solve math problems and show our thinking.  We will use this tool frequently throughout the year.  The children love having their own whiteboard to use, and it is a great way for all children to be engaged in the lesson.

I hope you all enjoy the extra day off with your children!