font-family: 'Shadows Into Light Two', cursive;/ Life in Kindergarten: Introduction to Breathing Buddies

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Introduction to Breathing Buddies

We kicked off our week at Rowe School with our first community meeting.  Every month, two or three teachers and classes will plan and host a school wide community meeting.  Our first meeting was hosted by Ms. Honan, Mrs. Gross (school counselor), and Mrs. DiRusso (speech therapist).  

Among other things, we participated in a mindfulness activity for two minutes called Breathing Buddies. The children lay down on the floor and placed a favorite stuffed animal on their bellies. They spent two minutes focusing on their breath as they watched and felt their “buddy” rise and fall with each inhale and exhale. Research has shown that daily mindfulness practice can improve a child’s attention span and ability to regulate emotions, both of which are skills critical to academic success.  We will continue to practice this mindfulness activity in our classroom, and will make breathing buddies a regular part of our routine.

I have given each child a stuffed animal to use as a breathing buddy.  If they would prefer, children can bring their own stuffed animal from home.  The stuffed animal should be small enough to rest on your child’s belly without falling off. 

This week during Reading Workshop we:

  • learned the third way to read books: read the words!  We read a shared text called Time for School.  I taught the children to point under each word as they read.
  • reviewed how to read the pictures.
  • learned about different ways we can read an alphabet book (point and name the letters, name the sounds, and find things in the picture that start with that letter).
  • learned that readers can think about what the characters might be saying and then pretend to talk as if they are the characters.

In addition to reading workshop, we also have word work time.  This is when we learn about letters, sounds, words, etc.  One of our lessons this week was for the children to figure out different ways to sort letters.
capital and lower case 
letters that are the same
blue and red letters (which the children will later learn are vowels and consonants)
letters that are the same
letters that are the same
blue and red
capital and lower case 

This week during Math we:
  • learned that numbers are all around us!  We went on a number hunt through our school and outside.  After spotting a number, we recorded it in our math journals.

  • explored numbers 0-5 and made our own posters for the number five.


  • learned about and practiced subitizing: the ability to recognize the total number of objects in a set without counting them.
  • looked at shapes and described characteristics of each shape.
  • learned about a "five-frame" as a tool for showing different ways to represent numbers.

    The children used different colored plastic chips to show combinations that equal five.
This week during Writing Workshop we:
  • learned that when we want to write a story we: think of something that has happened to us, draw it, then label parts of our pictures with words.
  • started storing our stories in our own writing folders.  
  • learned that when we want to write a word we: say the word, say the sounds, then write at least one letter for every sound we hear.  If we don't know what letter makes a sound, we can put a mark on our page.
  • learned that "when we're done, we've just begun."  This reminds children to keep on working for the whole writing workshop block.  They can add details to stories they've already written or start a new story.
  • fancied up our stories with color on Friday.  

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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