During Reading Workshop the last couple of weeks, we've continued to work on our independence as readers and building our reading stamina. The children have learned to:
- read like a storyteller, not just naming what we see in the pictures, but making our reading sound like we are reading the words.
- do a picture walk before we start reading to get our minds warmed up.
- make predictions about what we think might happen in a story.
- point under words as we read and hop from one word to the next.
We also started buddy reading. The children have really enjoyed sharing books with a friend. I have been so impressed with how well they are working together and focusing on their books!
During Writing Workshop, we have continued to work on writing personal narratives. We have practiced stretching out words and writing a letter for each sound we hear. The children have been labeling pictures, and I taught the children that they can write a sentence to tell what their story is about. On Thursday, we did some scientific writing, labeling the different parts of a butterfly's life cycle. Next week, we will kick-off our next writing unit: Looking Closely.
During Math, we:
- practiced writing numbers and showing their values.
- worked on showing one or two more/less than a given number.
- learned about the word "attribute" and practiced sorting buttons by common attributes.
- started a new rotation of math stations.
During Work Work, we have been learning/practicing the following letters and sounds:
- c, o, u, i, b, f, t, m, and n.
During Science, we finished learning about the life cycle of a butterfly, and we released the butterflies we had been observing. Next week, we will begin learning about the life cycle of a pumpkin.
- Our field trip to Wolfe's Neck Farm is this Wednesday, October 18. I look forward to seeing all the chaperones!
Enjoy the rest of your day.
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