font-family: 'Shadows Into Light Two', cursive;/ Life in Kindergarten: FAQs


As your Kindergartner is about to begin his/her school journey, I'm sure you have many questions.  Here are a few common questions and responses.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any additional questions.

What time does the school day begin?
The bell rings at 8:40 AM.  At that time, all students walk to their classrooms for the start of the school day.

What time can I bring my child to school?
Adult supervision on the playground (or in the gym if it is raining/too cold) begins at 8:25 AM.  Students can arrive anytime between 8:25 and 8:40.  If you plan to drop-off your child at 8:25, please make sure a teacher is present before leaving your child on the playground. 

We are running late and arrive at school after 8:40.  What should we do?
If you arrive at the school after 8:40, you must walk your child into the school and sign-in with Mrs. Murray in the office.  The school doors lock at 8:40 and there are no longer any teachers outside, so children need an adult to bring them into the building.

What time does the school day end?
The day ends at 3:25.   

I will pick up my child at the end of the school day.  What is the procedure?
You will need to sign out your child.  The sign out sheet is inside the front doors to Rowe School.  We ask that parents then wait under the awning outside of the front doors for their children to be dismissed so learning or end-of-the-day routines are not disrupted.  All children in the school will be on the playground until the dismissal bell rings.  When the bell rings, students who are being picked up will wait in a designated line.  A staff member will then bring the children to where you will be waiting.  The children will line up along the brick wall in the front of the school near the front doors and will be dismissed to their adult by one of the staff members managing the line. Please do not allow your child to run to you without making eye contact with a staff member before you leave.   

Please note that children will not be dismissed directly from the playground.

When will my child eat?
Your child will have a morning snack around 9:05, lunch at 12:00, and an afternoon snack around 1:45.

What should my child bring for food/drinks?
  • Children can either bring a lunch from home or get lunch from school (follow the link above). 
  • Children should bring a water bottle that they can keep at their table spots.  We have a water fountain in our classroom, so children can fill their water bottles as needed.
Can my child bring nuts for snacks or lunch?
There are children with nut allergies in our class.  Our classroom will be nut-free.  Please do not send snacks that contain peanuts or tree nuts (or snacks that are processed with peanuts or tree nuts).

Children are welcome to bring food containing nuts for lunch.  Children who have lunches containing nuts will sit at an opposite end of the table from children with nut allergies.

How much recess time will my child have? 
Children will have a fifteen-minute recess break around 10:30 and another one again after lunch.  In the afternoon, children will either have Choice Time in the classroom or another recess break outside.

Will you celebrate my child's birthday? 
We will celebrate all children's birthdays, regardless of whether a child's birthday falls during the school week, a weekend, a vacation, or the summer.  The birthday child gets to wear a birthday crown for the day, and the class will sing Happy Birthday to him/her. He/she will also choose a special book for me to read to the class.  Our Rowe School policy is that food for the class should not be sent in to celebrate a child's birthday.  In the past, parents have opted to send a non-food treat for the class, such as a book to read aloud or pencils for all the children.  You are more than welcome to send in a treat that does not involve food.  Thank you for following our food policy to help keep all children healthy and safe.

When can my child use the bathroom?
We are very fortunate to have a bathroom in our classroom.  Children will be able to use the bathroom whenever they need to.  

Should my child bring an extra set of clothes?
Yes, please send an extra outfit that your child can keep at school.  It is not uncommon for children to ask if they can change due to spilled milk, going down a wet slide, or having a bathroom accident.  If a child needs to use his/her extra clothes, I will send home the wet/soiled clothes in a bag.  Please send a new set of extra clothes the next day.

Can my child bring toys to school?
Children should keep toys at home.  This prevents toys from getting lost, broken, or becoming a distraction.  The exception to this rule will be on occasional special share days.  I will make you aware of these days in advance.

Are there opportunities for me to volunteer?
Yes, there will be opportunities for volunteering in our classroom, school, and even from home!  Information about parent volunteers will be sent home at the beginning of the school year. 

How can I contact you?
You can contact me via email ( or by calling the main office.  I check email a couple times a day, however, if you have a time-sensitive message, such as a change in dismissal plans, please call the office as I may not read the email in time.

My child's regular dismissal plan has changed.  What should I do?
I must receive a note, email, or phone call informing me of the change in plans.  With that said, please remember that if you email me the day of, I may not read the email in time, so calling the main office would be best.  If I do not receive a note or message from you, your child will follow his/her regular afternoon routine. 

I understand you may have many more questions than what I have addressed.  Again, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions/concerns.