font-family: 'Shadows Into Light Two', cursive;/ Life in Kindergarten: February 2017

Friday, February 17, 2017


The snow may have prevented us from coming to school two days again this week, but it didn't stop us from celebrating Valentine's Day and the 100th Day of School!

On Tuesday, we celebrated Valentine's Day by passing out cards and having a special friendship snack.  Thank you for making this tasty snack possible.  The children really enjoyed it.  We also enjoyed a Valentine's Day read aloud by Mrs. McNaughton.

On Friday, we celebrated the 100th Day of School with a community meeting.  We counted how many dollars in pennies (and other coins, too) the children at Rowe School donated to the Yarmouth food pantry.  Instead of gifts for his birthday, a student from Harrison Middle School asked that people make donations to the Yarmouth food pantry to help those in need.  What a kind, helpful, selfless young man!  Thank you, families, for helping to make his birthday wish come true.  Rowe School is donating $235.00 because of your contributions!

Children made crowns to celebrate the 100th Day of School.

I hope you and your children all enjoy the week ahead.  It looks to be a beautiful one.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Snowy Week!

Where is all this snow coming from?!  It's hard to believe we are putting another snow day in the books.  We should be celebrating our 100th day of school on Thursday, but at this rate, who knows when the 100th day will be!

Last week during Reading Workshop, we began our "Reading for Information" unit.  We:
  • learned about the difference between fiction (made up story) and nonfiction (real information).
  • learned that nonfiction books usually have real photographs to help us learn more about the topic.
  • learned about a glossary.

During Writing Workshop, we kicked off our how-to unit.  Children are writing books to teach others how to do something they know how to do.  We learned to:
  • think of something we know how to do, and write the steps to teach others how to do it.

  • tell the steps out loud before writing the words.
  • use sequencing words to keep our steps in order.
  • act out our steps to help us remember the details.
Last week during Math we:
  • learned the names and characteristics of cylinders, spheres, cubes, rectangular prisms, and cones.  Students played a mystery block game to practice describing the characteristics of these objects.

  • discussed the differences between 2-dimensional shapes and 3-dimensional objects. 
  • read Two of Everything, by Lily Toy Hong, a book about doubling, then created our own number models.
  • learned about the word "attribute" and sorted children in the class by common attributes. 
A couple times a month, our class gets together with Mrs. Boutin's class for our first grade reading buddies.  Here's a glimpse of our buddy reading from Friday, February 3:

I hope your children enjoy the extra snowy day off.  I look forward to seeing them for our Valentine's Day celebration on Tuesday.
