Last week we kicked off our Gingerbread Man unit. We read two different versions of this tale,
The Gingerbread Man by Jim Aylesworth, and
The Gingerbread Baby by Jan Brett, then spent time talking about the characters, repeating phrases, and endings in each book. We will continue this work in the week ahead.
In addition to focusing on story elements of
The Gingerbread Man, we also did the following during
Reading Workshop:
- reviewed that readers pay attention to characters' faces and body language for clues about how the characters might be feeling.
- learned that readers get ready to read a new book by doing a picture walk and paying attention to what is repeated in the picture on each page. Doing this can help us figure out some of the words.
- learned a new strategy, Skippy Frog. When a reader comes to an unknown word, he/she can skip the word, read on to the end of the sentence, then go back to the beginning and think of a word that could make sense.
During Writing Workshop, we began wrapping up our pattern book unit. We:
- spent one final day writing new pattern books. I taught the class that when they think they have run out of ideas, they can think of what the books in their own book baskets are about.
- chose one book to publish. Once it is complete, children will add their published book to our classroom library for others to read!
- edited our books for finger spaces, capital letters at the beginning of sentences, and punctuation. The children were excited to use special editing markers for this task.
We will finish publishing our books this week. By the end of the week, children will bring home all their other pattern books. I can't wait for you to read all the books your child wrote!
During Math we:
- created a bar graph showing our favorite colors then spent time analyzing and discussing the data.
- spent time focusing on shape characteristics by the way the shapes feel.
- played Dot Card Top-It and Memory.
- practiced subitizing with ten frame cards, then played a memory game to help us further develop this skill.
The weeks ahead promise to be very busy! Tomorrow, I will assign lines for our Gingerbread Baby play, so you can expect to see those in your child's folder tomorrow evening. We will also begin learning about light as the common theme among winter holidays.
Have a bright week,