This week during Reading Workshop we:
- reviewed expectations for Read-to-Self time and Buddy Reading time.
- reviewed that readers point under one word as they read.
- began using sticky-notes to mark spots in our books we want to share with a buddy. We spent two days learning about different ways to use sticky-notes. Readers can use sticky-notes to mark a favorite spot or a feeling they had. We will learn additional ways to use sticky notes next week.
- learned a new way to buddy read: I read a book then you read a book.
This week during Writing Workshop we:
- looked closely at the objects in our nature baggies. We then drew and labeled all the details we noticed.
- reviewed that when writers want to spell a word, they stretch the word out slowly and write at least one letter for every sound they hear.
- learned that writers can write a book all about one topic. We spent a writing block outside looking closely at, and writing about, the world around us.
This week during Math we:
- read Mouse Count and then made our own mice number stories.
- learned more about symmetry. We looked at different pictures, determined if they were symmetrical, and then found the line of symmetry.
- explored shapes and put shapes together to make new shapes.
- created a bar graph about our favorite colors.
I look forward to meeting with all of you for conferences next week.